How Much Did TIMA Managers Make from May 24 through May 30, 2021


    The last trading week of May was nothing short of success for our Top 5 most profitable strategies.

    Overview of TIMA Managers:

    1. Fund Stratum
    2. Derevo
    3. Trading Ukraine 2020
    4. Spaceors renewal
    5. key level trading

    Fund Stratum

    Trust management: Fund Stratum strategy overview as of May 31, 2021

    In the last week, the strategy’s profitability totaled 18.52%, with 816.07% achieved in the course of 361 days. Fund Stratum remains the TIMA ranking’s leader for many months now.

    The high yield is the result of an aggressive risk management approach. It stands to mention that the deposit is now 8 times its original size which was achieved in just a year. The maximum drawdown is 90.32%.

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    Trust management: Derevo strategy overview as of May 31, 2021

    Derevo’s profitability hit the 249.92% mark in 345 days, with maximum drawdown not exceeding 40.24%.

    Trading Ukraine 2020

    Trust management: Trading Ukraine 2020 strategy overview as of May 31, 2021

    In the course of 270 days, profitability totaled 222.23%, with a maximum drawdown being 73.23%. The manager of the strategy made 1.15% in profits during the reporting week.

    Spaceors renewal

    Trust management: Spaceors renewal strategy overview as of May 31, 2021

    With the profitability of 141.42% achieved in 991 days and 0.27% earned in the course of the reporting week. Spaceors renewal is considered one of the most cautious strategies of the Top 5. The maximum drawdown didn’t exceed 23.73%.

    key level trading

    Trust management: key level trading strategy overview as of May 31, 2021

    The profitability reached in 773 days is 117.79%. The strategy’s risk profile is extremely cautious, with maximum drawdown being no more than 24.27% and an average monthly yield of 3.04%.


    Please make sure to carefully read the Manager’s Offer before making a relevant investment. If any of the outlined terms and conditions do not meet your requirements, choose a different TIMA account.

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